• baxanhchm@gmail.com

Order of delivery and receipt of imported goods at the port

23/08/2022 - 02:00

1. For goods that do not have to be stored in warehouses or yards at ports

In this case, the goods owner or the person entrusted by the goods owner to deliver and receive directly with the ship

– To be able to proceed with unloading, 24 hours before the ship arrives at the pilot position, the goods owner must give the port a number of documents:

+ Manifest of goods (2 copies)

+ Queuing diagram (2 copies)

+ Details of cargo hold (2 copies)

+ Oversized, too heavy goods (if any)

– The owner presents the original bill of lading to the representative of the shipping company

– Directly receive goods from the ship and prepare necessary documents in the process of receiving goods such as:

+ Minutes of surveying the ship’s hold (made before unloading) to hold the ship responsible for future losses.

+ Minutes of discharge (COR) for obvious loss

+ Letter of Resistance (LOR) for unspecified loss

+ The receipt of goods with the ship (ROROC)

+ Minutes of inspection

+ Certificate of missing goods (made by the shipping agent)

– When the goods are unloaded from the ship, the goods owner can take them to a private warehouse to invite the customs to inspect the goods. If the goods are not sealed, they must invite the customs to escort them to the warehouse

– Customs procedures

– Transport to warehouse or distribute goods

2. For goods that must be stored or stored at the port

Port of receiving goods from ship:

– Unloading and receiving goods from the ship (made by the port)

– Prepare necessary documents in the process of delivery and receipt (the forwarding staff must prepare together)

– Bringing goods to the port warehouse

Port of delivery for shippers:

– When receiving notice of arrival of goods, the goods owner must bring thousands of original orders and the agency’s introduction to the shipping company to receive the delivery order (D/O – delivery order). The shipping company or agent keeps the original bill of lading and gives 3 copies of D/O to the consignee

– Owners pay storage fees, loading and unloading fees and get receipts

– The goods owner brings the fee payment receipt, 3 copies of D/O together with the invoice and packing slip to the ship management office at the port to sign the D/O confirmation and find the location of the goods, here save one copy of the D/O.

– The owner brings the remaining 2 copies of D/O to the logistics department to make the delivery note. This department keeps 1D/O and makes 2 delivery notes for the goods owner

– Do customs procedures through the following steps:

Present and submit the following documents:

. Import declaration

. Import License

. Detailed list

. Delivery order of the carrier

. Foreign trade contract

. One original and one copy of bill of lading

.Certificate of Origin

. Certificate of quality or quarantine if any

. Commercial Invoice


+ Customs checks documents

+ Check goods

+ Calculate and notify tax

+ The goods owner signs and receives the tax notice (can pay tax within 30 days) and applies for a certificate of completion of customs procedures

– After the customs confirms “customs clearance is completed”, the goods owner can take them out of the port and take them to their own warehouse.

3. Goods imported by container

* If it is an integer (FCL)

– When receiving the notice of arrival (NOA), the goods owner brings the original bill of lading and the agency’s introduction to the shipping company to get the D/O.

– The goods owner brings the D/O to the customs to carry out the procedures and register the goods inspection (the goods owner can request to bring the whole container to a separate warehouse or ICD for customs inspection but must return the container on time or else will be fined). )

-After completing the customs procedures, the goods owner must bring the receipt of goods with the D/O to the Ship Management Office at the port to confirm the D/O.

– Get the delivery note and receive the goods

* If it is an odd item (LCL):

The goods owner brings the original bill of lading or the consolidating bill of lading to the shipping line or the consolidator’s agent to get the D/O, then receive the goods at the CFR specified and follow the above procedures.