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Advice on how to display groceries effectively to attract customers

30/08/2022 - 06:44

Displaying and arranging inside the grocery store seems to be a simple thing, but it is very important in creating the store’s face. In an increasingly developed era, the reception of information by consumers is largely recorded by observation, so just arranging it neatly is not enough to stimulate shopping from consumers, but instead. That impressive, eye-catching store display grocery will be the key point that determines the interest and shopping choice.

Let’s consult with VinShop a few principles in displaying goods to achieve maximum business efficiency as below.

Optimal arrangement of goods in the store

The business should ensure that the store’s criteria are “grocery” with the maximum range of products, variety of categories and eye-catching forms. However, besides focusing on the quantity of goods, the grocery store display also needs to be reasonable and attract attention. This will give customers the feeling that this grocery store has everything they need, while showing the owner’s flair for customer needs.

1/ Focus on choosing a convenient location for outstanding items.

Through the program “VinShop’s display program”, it has been found that in the principle of displaying goods: items of large size and heavy weight will always be placed at the bottom of the shelf to arrange, lighter items will be arranged. will be placed on top. In fact, this inadvertently unbalanced the arrangement layout, confusing the view with customers. VinShop advises to focus on choosing locations with high traffic, likely to be in contact with customers’ eyes the most, such as the entrance, the center of the store, or even on the shelf right next to it. counter for trending, top-selling, high-revenue items.

Moreover, showing the correct product price also shows customers the professionalism and honesty from the store. This is something that many small shops often encounter when not showing the listed prices, uncertainty about the price reduces the level of trust and customer satisfaction for the store.

Therefore, store revenue is affected by the reasonable display of goods, which accentuates the attractiveness of the product, attracting the attention of customers.

2/ Related products should be in the same display area and with name plates

Groups of closely related products such as beer, wine with dry goods and fast food; or household cosmetics (soap, bleach, laundry detergent, house cleaner, …) with dishwashing liquid, toothpaste, deodorant,…; or dried condiments with cooking oil, fish sauce, soy sauce, etc., should be placed in close proximity to each other, this will stimulate the customer’s shopping needs more than having to be distracted to find similar items in different areas.

As for the stalls displaying different goods, the accompanying nametags for customers to easily search and locate the product area becomes easy, fast and efficient. Save time searching for customers and sellers can reduce answering customers about the location of different items.

Depending on the size of the grocery store, the display will be dependent on the store’s stock level. Customers’ shopping habits for grocery shopping are standing outside to ask for products, so how the display is arranged to attract customers’ attention makes them easy to decide. The decision to buy the product quickly needs attention.

Mistakes to avoid in grocery store display

1/ Display of goods is rampant, lacking in science and sophistication

VinShop gives advice that grocery stores should display as many goods as possible, although the rich wholesale source makes groceries diverse, but many stores are confusing the way in displaying them. display too much “quantity” of goods rather than displaying a variety of products. This inadvertently causes the store to narrow the space, creating a feeling of suffocation and loss of comfort.

Shop owners should consider reducing the quantity of goods, instead focus on displaying more product categories, prioritizing items with fast consumption and vice versa with products with high consumption. slow.

2/ The price of the product is wrong and there is a lack of orderliness in the display process

Customers will turn away from the store when there is a problem related to the product being listed at the wrong price, not updating the price at the right time. Many stores have a habit of listing prices on products with manual sub-labels and are slow to change new prices. This inadvertently makes the store fall into the situation of “tricking” the buyer, the store’s reputation will definitely drop sharply.

The fact that there are not many types of goods on the shelves is also easy to confuse prices, causing confusion, making it harder for customers to choose the desired goods, reducing the customer’s shopping needs for the next time.

The above is the  store display grocery store VinShop brings to give suggestions in beautifying the image, optimizing shopping stimulation for grocery store owners. VinShop is proud to be a professional consultant in grocery store branding and effective grocery business solutions. Please contact Vinshop immediately or visit Website https://vinshop.vn/ to download the VinShop App to your phone now!

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